I'm a extremely low-vision gamer, self-taught coder and aspiring game designer.
As for the stuff pertaining to Game Development, and the programming I've done...
In the mid-1990s I was taught enough QBasic to get interested. From there I learned more, creating silly little text games. From there with Windows I branched into Visual Basic 1.0 from the command reference, and took high-school courses for C++ and VB6 in 2000. I returned to coding in the mid-2000s, teaching myself C#. I dabbled in Ruby (RGSS3 for RPG Maker VX/Ace), JavaScript (RPG Maker MV) before finally settling on Unity and C#. Most recently, in late 2018 I learned 6502 ASM to work on NES games in NESMaker. I'd like to learn how to develop for the Z80 (Game Boy) one day too.
I had originally noted that "Block Force" wasn't worth paying attention to -- it was part of a Unity course, and my father quite enjoys playing it. I realized a few hours later, though, that even as a beginner with Unity I had made changes well beyond the scope of the course. The course gave you one life and then it went back to the title screen. Mine adds scoring, item pickups a la Arkanoid, a ticking bonus timer and an interactive power-up --the Deflector. Still not really sure the best way to avoid "boredom bouncing" where the ball goes nearly horizontal but I did the best I could at the time.